Web3Forms - Contact form API for Static Websites
Receive your html contact form submissions directly in your email inbox using our contact form api service without any server or backend code. Its free!
No Backend Code
You already know! Setting up form is pain. Web3Forms works without any Server or backend code like PHP.
No Databases
All emails are sent directly to your email address. We never store your form submissions.
No Login Needed
There is no login or dashboard for Web3Forms. We authenticate users based on the access key.
Design without Limits
Web3Forms is an API based form backend. We can seamlessly integrate to any custom design or style.
Amazon Powered
Our API Systems are powered by Amazon Cloud Infrastructure. High Deliverability and Uptime Guaranteed.
GDPR Compliant
We only store your email address for authentication. We don’t share or sell any information with 3rd parties.